Month: February 2019

The dew is never all dried at once

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People of words

When we contemplate the whole Globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with islands and continents, flying through space with all the other stars, all singing and shining together as one, the whole Universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. This grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere. The dew is never all dried at once. A shower is forever falling; Vapour forever rising. Eternal sunrise, Eternal sunset, Eternal dawn and […]

What if?

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What if?

Been playing mind games recently, with ifs in them. Like what I would photograph if the situation was different, and access and opportunities allowed it. That sort. Different themes. No limits. Like so.. (in no particular order, none of this) Whose portrait Not normal people When I was a kid I delivered the newspaper. Once a month I walked the route, just after dinner time, collecting the subscription fee. One of the subscriber scared me, […]

The Vacant Landscape

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Gravel with tyre marks, rocks and trees in the background. The Vacant Landscape.

Here is a Flickr group that never got the traction it deserved. It isn’t mine, the theme just resonated heavily so at some point I poured images into it. With a beautiful title like that I don’t think it should just sit there and be forgotten. Help me out, Flickr people?

Looking for the frontier that was promised

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I went looking for the frontier that was promised, and found a complex landscape – a road that served as a physical and psychological line between wilderness and progress. I drove, like the others, to drive as far as I could drive. They hitched their wagon to the great American need to point their wheels toward the Western horizon. To see for themselves. When they ran out of West, they went North. Ben Huff, The […]

Photograph, abstract

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An image caught my eye the other day, in my Feedly feed, the #photography category. You know the feed images, the ones chosen to represent an article, sometimes well selected, sometimes not as well. In my Feedly settings they’re quite small, very small actually, and if they are to catch my attention it will be the shapes, contrast or colours, or a mix of these, perhaps a person’s face, if the image was taken from […]